Salt Creek Scholarship Laureate 2020
Ethan Lewis
Ethan has lived in Warrnambool for almost ten years, and prior to this, he lived in the UK and New Zealand. Ethan Lewis is a very hard working and special young man. He completed his VCE at Warrnambool College in 2019 where his hard work and dedication earned him an ATAR of 91.1 and where he was also the recipient of the Deakin University Achievement Award.
Ethan’s interests are many and varied including photography, film-making, soccer, cricket and hockey. He is also passionate about science, politics and learning about other cultures and languages.
What struck the interview panel most was Ethan’s motivation to succeed – not in a material way but rather, in a generous and selfless way – a way that would make the world a better place. Ethan is insightful, thoughtful and considerate of others and demonstrates an inner drive to speak out for those less fortunate. He doesn’t seek the limelight but prefers instead to organise philanthropic events behind the scenes, with a clear passion for social justice and a practical approach to getting the job done. Ethan is prepared to step out of his comfort zone. He is a natural but quiet leader.
With his degree underway, Ethan is keeping his options open at this stage. He hopes to pursue a career in international relations with a humanitarian organisation or alternatively, use his science knowledge in the area of space exploration. Either way, Ethan is excited by this new chapter in his life – one that will afford him independence, new experiences as well as an opportunity to explore and see the world. His enthusiasm is admirable and his ambition palpable and we look forward to watching Ethan develop new skills and knowledge over the coming years and ultimately, make a difference in whatever field he pursues.
Ethan is a very worthy recipient of the second Salt Creek Scholarship.

Degree: Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours)
Institution: Deakin University
In residence: Waurn Ponds Residence
Career Goal: “I’m really keen to work on human interaction and figuring out how to make the world a ‘greener’ place. I want to work on the issue of climate change and renewable energy but, I also would like to work on making life multi-planetary (I love space) and figuring out how we can help future generations live in different environments.”
Education History: Warrnambool College Year 12 in 2019
Where are they now
October 2023
After almost completing my third year of a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) at Deakin University, I’ve had an incredibly busy and insightful year, covering a wide range of units. Living on campus, I took on the role of residential leader, guiding and supporting new residents in their transition to college life, much as I was guided and supported when I first arrived on campus. As a residential leader, I helped foster an inclusive, engaging community and served as a mentor for first-year students finding their footing, drawing on my own experience navigating Deakin residence, academic life, and activities as a new student. This experience has allowed me to develop stronger leadership, communication, and mentorship abilities.
This year I completed core environmental engineering units – fluid mechanics, engineering modelling, field investigation, waste engineering, transformation systems, risks to healthy environments, and environmental protection and planning. It was challenging but I learned immensely and performed well.
As my Salt Creek scholarship draws to a close, I’m deeply grateful to Salt Creek especially Peter Coy and Sally Towell, and Tilt Renewables for supporting my studies and career goals. I have been given the amazing opportunity to complete my undergraduate internship with Tilt Renewables. At Tilt, I will be gaining experience in asset management, portfolio development, GIS, stakeholder engagement, health/safety/environment, and environmental planning. Visiting the Salt Creek Wind Farm as a member of Tilt Renewables has brought the salt creek scholarship full circle.
In my final undergraduate year, I look forward completing my honours projects and final units. Since starting this journey, I remain passionate about tackling environmental issues, sustainability, climate change through renewables, and even making life multiplanetary someday!
Outside academics this year, I travelled to New Zealand and Indonesia, stayed active at the gym and beach, and enjoyed Geelong’s coffee shops. I’m thankful for this opportunity and look forward to applying my skills.